
What is the point of wasps?

By Katie Russell

What is the point of wasps? How big are giant Japanese hornets and why are they so big? Should we be worried for the bees?

There’s no such thing as a silly question, as Tim Warwood and Adam Gendle watch an epic battle between European honey bees and giant Japanese Hornets in Japan. Luckily, they are joined by bee expert Heather Mattila to help them get their heads around why bees and wasps are so important.

Find out plenty nuggets of wisdom in this episode of BBC Earth’s Asking For a Friend with Tim Warwood and Adam Gendle.*

giant hornets attack beehive
Should we be worried for the bees? © Queserasera99 I Getty
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Have more nature questions you’ve been too afraid to ask? 

Best friends Tim Warwood & Adam Gendle watch more amazing wildlife footage and ask the silly questions we’re afraid to, with a world expert on hand to set them straight.

Watch the full series of #AskingForAFriend with Tim Warwood and Adam Gendle on Facebook Watch.*

*This series is restricted in certain regions.


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