
Snapping death worms can hide undetected for years

By Zoe Cormier

Good bait comes to worms who wait...

Lurking in the seas of Indonesia is a fearsome predator bearing jaws fringed with razor-sharp spikes.

Hapless fish – even predators on the hunt themselves – cannot escape if seized. So sudden and fierce is the snap of its jaws, prey may be sliced instantly in two, as if put to death by a bionic marine guillotine.

The oceans are heaving with fearsome predators, but there is something particularly odd about this one: it is not a clever cephalopod (octopuses and cuttlefish), a sophisticated cetacean (dolphins and whales) or monomaniacal elasmobranch (sharks and rays).

It is a worm.

A polychaete to be precise, a class of bristled worm found in the oceans (and occasionally on land) that are a world apart from the everyday squirming annelids we find in our gardens.

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